A Galaxy when Galaxies Were Young
With more than 40 hours of exposure time on Hubble’s recently installed Wide Field Camera 3, the team created what Bouwens called “the deepest near-infrared image ever obtained.” Still, the object was so faint that team could not get a spectrum of its light to analyze, the surest way to determine a redshift. They had to rely instead on a photometric redshift estimate, based on comparing the amount of light coming through several of the camera’s wide-spectrum color filters. From such information astronomers can piece together a very rough approximation of the object’s spectrum, though without the narrow spectral lines astronomers usually rely on to measure redshift accurately.
That’s where the process of elimination came in. Since astronomers were limited to a rough approximation of spectrum, there was a much greater risk of misinterpreting the data. With only a photometric level of detail, different types of objects may show the same spectral profile. “You have to make a leap of faith and you ask yourself, ‘What else can it be?’ ” said Rogier Windhorst, a professor at the Arizona State University’s School of Earth and Space Exploration.
According to Windhorst, the mostly likely alternative explanation in this case would be a less distant galaxy reddened by dust. “These galaxies have a spectrum somewhat similar to the source,” Bouwens said. “But only somewhat similar.”

Zoomed-in image of UDFj-39546284, courtesy of the Hubble Space Telescope.
NASA, ESA, G. Illingworth and R. Bouwens (University of California, Santa Cruz), and the HUDF09 Team.
Observations of ultra-high-redshift galaxies provide important constraints for theories of how the first galaxies formed. Though the Hubble image shows this object as just a tiny smudge, its miniature size itself holds important information about primeval galaxies. The team also concluded that “star birth at 500 million years [after the Big Bang] was astonishingly less than starburst at 600 million years,” Illingworth said.
“For the first time now, we can make realistic statements about how the galaxy population changed during this period,” said Bouwens.
NASA press release.
The researchers' paper.
Posted by Jessica Kloss, January 27, 2011
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